This handbook has been written by the SNNPR Regional HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control Office (RHAPCO) to give guidance to young people, teachers, parents, workers, religious and community leaders, and anyone else who wants to form an Anti-AIDS club. This handbook was inspired by and adapted from a Handbook for anti-AIDS Clubs in Malawi, produced by UNICEF Malawi, and also the UNAIDS report of activities in the World AIDS campaign with Young people "forces for Change". It provides facts and information about HIV and AIDS, and ideas for club activities, which may be useful for both existing and new clubs. Anti-AIDS clubs were originally formed to educate young people and their friends and families about HIV and AIDS. In-school and out-of school Anti-AIDS clubs have played a vital role in raising awareness of HIV and AIDS across Africa. In SNNPR state, Ethiopia and in other countries, Anti-AIDS clubs have been working to encourage young people to learn about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, but most importantly, to change their behaviour. Clubs can organise different activities related to the prevention of HIV infection and the care of people living with HIV or AIDS. The handbook describes the implementation of the following activities : discussion groups, panel discussions, debates, dramas, role play, games & sports, walks, quizzes, competitions, concerts, puppet shows, projects & campaigns, The handbook also provides example constitution for anti-AIDS clubs and example membership test. It also contains contact details.

Health and Education Resource Centre