This document provides a curriculum framework for the Caribbean region and is part of the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM) Multi-Agency Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) project. The document is a comprehensive, life skills-based programme, which focuses on the development of the whole person. It does this by enhancing the potential of young people to become productive and contributing adults/citizens, and promotes an understanding of the principles that underlie personal and social well-being. It also fosters the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that make for healthy family life; provides opportunities to demonstrate sound health-related knowledge and attitudes; and practises and increases the ability to practise responsible decision-making about social and sexual behaviour. Finally, it aims to increase awareness among children and young people about how their choices can influence health and personal development into adulthood. The document is intended for curriculum planners and teachers to strengthen their capacity to deliver HFLE programmes in the Caribbean. The content of the curriculum is organized around four themes: - self and interpersonal relationships; - sexuality and sexual health; - eating and fitness; - managing the environment. Standards and core outcomes have been developed for each of these themes. This HFLE curriculum not only reinforces the connection between health and education, but uses a holistic approach within a planned and coordinated framework. This approach is based on the premise that health is a product of the choices made at the individual, family, community and national levels, and that health is not an end in itself but a resource for living and development.
Health and Education Resource Centre