This document is one of the "story books" in the HIV and AIDS series, developed by the Junior African Writers (JAWS). It is designed to provide information and raise key questions about the consequences of HIV and AIDS. The aim of the series is to empower young people, equipping them with the knowledge, attitudes, values and life skills they need to help them make positive choices and resist pressures. This booklet is intended for primary school learners and can be used as a reader to help teachers to introduce subject matter that is difficult to manage in classroom. The story conveys both the basic information about HIV and AIDS and the more psychosocial dimension of the pandemic affecting learners' lives (personal and social development). A little girl is sick and lonely because she does not have anyone to play with. Thus she is so pleased when a puppy comes to her house, but the grandmother rejects the dog. But the old woman realizes her grandchild needs care and friendship. The text develops the following lifeskills: the importance to us all of friendship (but especially people who are sick); understanding how lonely people with HIV and AIDS may feel; knowing that it's safe to play with someone with HIV. Let's Talk section on page 16 provides a basis for classroom activities.

Health and Education Resource Centre