This package addresses roles, socio-economic issues and cultural norms that are specific to men and women and how they affect or influence the spread of HIV and AIDS. It also looks at the extent to which these issues must be addressed in order to reduce the spread of HIV, and why gender must be mainstreamed in every basic activity in the society. This document is developed for Non Governmental Organisations and Community Based Organizations dealing with HIV and AIDS, advocacy groups, the government, policy and decision-making bodies and the general public. The document is composed of 13 chapters, which are: 1) Introduction; 2) Basic information on HIV and AIDS such as: transmission modes, common misconceptions and data on age and sex distribution in Kenya; 3) Gender issues: it gives definitions and explains how gender roles affect relationships; 4) Gender and HIV and AIDS; 5) Gender dimensions of risk and vulnerability; 6) Influence of gender on people living with HIV and AIDS; 7) Gender related impact of HIV and AIDS; 8) Gender mainstreaming and HIV and AIDS; 9) Mens' role in prevention, transmission and reproductive health; 10) Women and AIDS; 11) Youth and HIV and AIDS; 12) Gender-oriented responses to HIV and AIDS and stresses the importance of gender issues; and 13) Conclusion.

Health and Education Resource Centre