Oxfam GB, in partnership with the Ministry of Health in Mozambique and with support from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, launched a two-year project in August 2007 that aimed to increase access to and the quality of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV and AIDS services, and to reduce the vulnerabilities associated with sexual and reproductive ill-health and HIV and AIDS, in Machaze and Mossurize Districts of Manica Province, Mozambique. Project activities worked towards supporting and building the capacity of local health workers and traditional healers, tightening the referral chain between various HIV and SRH services, and strengthening overall systems to be able to respond to the deeper-rooted issues identified by the community associated with SRH problems and HIV and AIDS. The project used a rights-based approach to empower community members to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health and to demand their right to essential services from their government. Overall, this paper highlights the progress made and challenges still faced by the international community in addressing the complexity of issues associated with HIV and AIDS in relation to SRHR, in a combined effort towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Health and Education Resource Centre