This is a report of the education programme on Life Skills and HIV/AIDS which informs students and teachers about HIV and also focuses on skills development, attitudes and motivational support. The programme emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach in addressing HIV/AIDS issues, while learner- centeredness and participatory methods are strongly recommended. The full implementation of life skills in primary and secondary schools is planned for the end of 2003. This report covers the period from the inception of the programme (1995) to the end of February 1998. Its contents include: 1) Introduction; 2) Structure and coordination; 3) Learning programme material; 4) Teacher training; 5) Supplementary material; 6) Initiatives to broaden the impact of the programme; 7) Research, monitoring and evaluation; 8) The budget; 9) Public relations campaign; 10) Summary and recommendations. An appendix is also included.

Health and Education Resource Centre