The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 8/4, which renewed the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the right to education and asked him to present a report to the General Assembly. In his report, the Special Rapporteur will focus on the human right to comprehensive sexual education, an issue that has been a source of interest and concern since the beginning of his mandate. The Special Rapporteur introduces the topic of the right to sexual education, placing it in the context of patriarchy and control of sexuality. He explains the interdependence of sexuality, health and education and the relationship of this right to other rights from a gender and diversity perspective. The Special Rapporteur also introduces the right to sexual education in the context of international human rights law and analyses international and regional standards. He then addresses the situation of the right to sexual education, taking State responsibility into account and analysing regional and national trends, differing perspectives and the key role of the family and the community. The Special Rapporteur concludes his report by reiterating the necessity and the relevance of the right to comprehensive sexual education and presenting specific recommendations for States and the international community.

Health and Education Resource Centre