These School Health and Nutrition (SHN) Guidelines put the Strategy into action. They are derived from the SHN strategy, guiding principles and the four components of the FRESH (Focusing Resources on School Health and Nutrition) approach namely: policies and standards, essential SHN services, productive school environment that is safe and sanitary, and skills based education. The objectives of the Guidelines are to help partners to: 1. Improve coordination, monitoring and evaluation; 2. Maximize resource use in a transparent manner and reduce duplication; 3. Synchronize implementation to improve effectiveness, impact and sustainability; 4. Identify best practices that are science- and/or evidence-based. These Guidelines are adressed to: - All SHN programme planners, development partners and lead implementers at National, Division, District and Zone Level. - All lead SHN implementers at community level (e.g. School Head, Community Health Nurse, Agricultural Extension Development Officer and Community Development Assistant). - Other key non-government SHN stakeholders.

Health and Education Resource Centre