Teachers and HIV and AIDS: reviewing achievements, identifying challenges. Web Forum report

Conference Reports
73 p.

Teachers have an instrumental role to play in the achievement of the Education for All (EFA) goals, which aim to meet the learning needs of every child, youth and adult by 2015. Without teachers, the endeavour to provide EFA cannot be achieved. Teachers also have a critical role to play in school-based HIV prevention efforts. In order to review the progress made so far and to identify ways forward, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)'s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education organized a Web Forum on Teachers and HIV & AIDS: Reviewing achievements and identifying challenges from 18-29 May 2009. The outcomes of the Web Forum were designed to feed directly into the UNAIDS IATT on Education Spring Symposium, which took place in June 2009 on the same theme. The meeting was hosted by Irish Aid, the Irish government's assistance programme for developing nations.

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