This case study is one of 12 undertaken by UNESCO to deepen the understanding of the impact of HIV/AIDS on tertiary education institutions and the response of these institutions to HIV/AIDS in different social and cultural contexts, at varying stages of the epidemic, and in different regions of the world. Institutions of higher learning have the possibility of reaching young people in the age group, 15-24 years, considered by UNAIDS to be the most threatened by HIV/AIDS. Half of all new HIV infections occur among young people and there is evidence that university campuses can heighten exposure to high-risk behaviours including sexual experimentation, sex work, unprotected casual sex, gender violence, multiple partners, and other high-risk activities. For abovementioned reasons, the institutional response of higher education and HIV/AIDS has become an important object of study and a necessary area of policy with respect to HIV/AIDS.The overall objective of this review is to describe and to analyse the impact of HIV/AIDS on the higher education sector in Suriname and the current response of higher education institutions with respect to the HIV/AIDS in the country.

Health and Education Resource Centre