This report introduces current knowledge on the particular situation that Vietnamese women face with regard to HIV. Women are a critical population within the epidemic, not only in terms of sheer numbers, but as this report emphasizes, in terms of the disproportionate toll that HIV can take on their lives. Even as the rate of infection begins to stabilize among high-risk men, transmission continues from these men to their wives and regular partners. When HIV enters the home, women confront a double burden: greater discrimination for contracting the disease and greater sacrifice as caretakers for other infected family members. Yet policies and programs to assist women still trail behind those that target men. Part of the answer is to increase knowledge of women’s complex vulnerabilities. This report specifically aims to address the needs to increase women’s knowledge on HIV by providing gender analysis of stigma and discrimination, prevention, treatment, caregiving and the role of men, as well as highlighting projects that addressed these in the first decade of the 2000s. This report concludes with recommendations that can help policymakers and implementers coordinate future policies and programs that meet women’s HIV prevention needs.

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