As youth, YOU are the most important resources in our countries! Your health and wellbeing will help determine the future of communities and countries in which you live. You are considered to be an ACTION FORCE, not a target group, and have a special understanding of the health and developmental issues facing you. We recognise that you need to be involved in all aspects of planning activities aimed at your age group, that is why we went to youth to find out what questions you haveabout your sexuality and HIV and AIDS! Each question you see in this booklet has been asked by young people in workshops and training sessions we have held throughout southern Africa. It is important that you as young people be given accurate information so that you can enjoy better sexual and reproductive heath and know risks you could be taking in your present lifestyle. As a young person you can view these booklets as having been designed to provide you with relevant and important facts that can assist you to: Make informed choices in you life- be realistic regarding problems which face you and your communities; be a role model to other young people, be the potentially powerful influence to other young people/peers; have the information to support your initiatives, energy and ideas and organise them into action; understand your own behaviours, and those of other young people, which can put you at risk; be interested in doing something about protecting yourself, your friends and families from HIV and AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, unplanned pregnancies and abortions. It is simple to use these booklets. Their layout allows you to choose a topic you may want to know more about from the contents page, and go to that section to see what kind of questions youth have asked about that same topic. Youth had so many questions about HIV and AIDS, that we have separated the "You Asked...We Answered" into 3 parts: ! Part I HIV and AIDS : Get the Facts! ! Part II HIV and AIDS : Let's Talk About Sex! ! Part III HIV and AIDS : How Can I Make A Difference? If you find that a question you may have is not listed in Part I, try reading another part of the series and see if you can find it! These booklets can be read at any stage of your life and at any time. You may use their content during your leisure time, or during your school, religious and social activity. You could also use this booklet to help answer questions and address concerns of other young people you know in your community. Enjoy discovering the answers to your many questions and continue to search for more answers!

Health and Education Resource Centre