EduSector AIDS Response Trust
42 p.
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Soutenir les besoins éducatifs des aprenants séropositifs au VIH: enseignements tirés des expériences de la Namibie et de la République-Unie de Tanzanie
Atender às necessidades educacionais de estudantes soropositivos: ensinamentos sobre um estudo na Namíbia e na República Unida da Tanzânia
This report is a commissioned review of best practice as well as an exploratory study in two countries, Namibia and Tanzania, to understand how the education sector should support HIV-positive learners at school. The increase in the number of children and young people living with HIV poses new challenges to the education sector. The report identifies the specific challenges faced by the education system in responding to the needs of HIV-positive learners and develops a set of recommendations and guidelines about how best to support them.
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