Bringing hope to a generation: food aid to help educate orphans and other vulnerable children

Programme Reports & Evaluations
8 p.
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Apporter de l'espoir à une génération: aide alimentaire à l'appui de l'éducation des orphelins et des enfants vulnérables
Dar esperanzas a una generación: ayuda alimentaria para ayudar a instruir a los huérfanos y los niños vulnerables

The World Food Programme (WFP) is helping to secure the safety and well-being of orphans and other vulnerable children. WFP's nutritional support to children and their parents brings hope into lives made uncertain by the disease. The nutritious food helps keep HIV-positive parents alive longer, giving them more time with their children. Targeted food assistance also enables vulnerable children to get an education and build skills for the future. WFP food is meeting today's hunger needs as well as contributing to a better tomorrow.

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