Criteria for Evaluation of Good Practices Submitted from Member Higher Education Institutions; 1. Innovativeness (It could be something initiated by HEI as original or existing program with contextualized modification of key focus areas of interventions stipulated in the forum’s policy and strategy framework or education sector response policy against the epidemic); 2. Explicability or adaptability (have the potential to serve as a model for generating initiatives in the other HEIs); 3. Coverage/accessibility to reach university community essentially to reach postgraduate and/ or undergraduate level students (target groups addressed by the program within the HEIs and value addition to the external community, HEI industry/ sectors linkage); 4. Specificity of the program target in addressing special groups (females, those living with HIV/AIDS, disability); 5. Extent of the program addressing thematic areas (number of thematic areas addressed) of HEIs policy framework; 6. Leadership commitment (initiatives of encouraging participation of target group, addressing structural, human resource and related resource mobilization without externalizing the program: ownership and sustainability of the program);

Centre de Ressources sur la Santé et L'Éducation