Health and Family Life Education (HFLE) was first introduced into the curriculum of primary schools in 1998 as Family Life Education. Though the programme achieved some successes, it was argued that given the challenges that children and adolescents face in their daily lives, a more definitive life skills focus was required to help students manage the situations they encounter. In 2006 a CARICOM Regional Framework was developed for Health and Family Life Education and in 2007, the Ministry of Education revised its curriculum to align with the regional framework and incorporate a more life skills-based focus. Over the years, the HFLE curriculum in Jamaica has undergone a series of revisions to remain current and address the growing health and social issues affecting Jamaican children. This new edition of the Health and Family Life Education curriculum is organized to reflect a focus on life skills as well as values that will support the holistic development and good character of students.

Health and Education Resource Centre