This report presents the findings and recommendations of the baseline survey for the UNESCO supported “Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future (O3 PLUS)" project to be implemented in 24 HTEIs in Zambia and Zimbabwe from January 2021 to December 2024. The project seeks to ensure that young people aged 18-24 years in higher and tertiary education institutions (HTEIs) realise positive health, education, and gender equality outcomes through sustained reductions in new HIV infections, unintended pregnancies and sexual and gender-based violence. The purpose of the baseline study was to provide an information base against which to monitor and assess progress during implementation and after completion. Whereas the long-term vision of the project includes to ‘enable young people to realise their full educational potential and contribute more effectively to the development of their countries and region as graduates, professionals, and young leaders’; the baseline focused specifically on Sexual and Reproductive Health, HIV and Sexual and Gender-based Violence indicators as defined by UNESCO in the project results framework. The baseline study also assisted in setting realistic targets for 2024.

Health and Education Resource Centre