The Right Here Right Now 2 (RHRN2) Partnership was created to allow young people in all their diversity to enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in gender-just societies. With young people at the forefront, the partnership seeks to unleash the power of youth to increase public support for young people’s SRHR, improve policies and laws and strengthen civil society. Lobbying and advocacy is the main strategy, supported by mutual capacity strengthening. RHRN2 focuses on the following countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Burundi, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nepal, Tunisia and Uganda. As part of the start-up phase, ten separate baseline studies were conducted at the country level between March and September 2021. Findings of the ten baseline studies have been analysed and integrated into this consolidated baseline report for the programme. The purpose of this study is to inform both the baseline values of indicators and targets for Right Here Right Now, as well as the development of strategy and interventions based on each country’s needs. Ultimately, the goal of the baseline is to assess the current (baseline) situation through context analyses, enabling comparison with later results and the setting of meaningful targets.

Health and Education Resource Centre