Violence that occurs in and around schools (also known as school-related genderbased violence or SRGBV) continues to be a serious barrier in realizing the right to education. Girls are most at risk of GBV in and around schools, but boys may also be targeted. The experience, or even the threat, of SRGBV often results in poor performance, irregular attendance, dropout, truancy and low self-esteem. Violence can also have serious health and psychological implications that can have longlasting
effects.It is important to understand the particular implications of GBV in and around schools and how educational institutions can and should be an important force for
protection and change. However, the evidence base for the global scale and nature of SRGBV is limited, and there is little collective intelligence to date on best practices
in either preventing it or responding to it. This paper aims to articulate the issues, causes, challenges and opportunities in policy and programming, with a specific focus on school-related violence against girls.

Health and Education Resource Centre