Ending school-related gender-based violence: a series of thematic briefs

Case Studies & Research
New York
60 p.

This series of briefs summarizes the key learnings to emerge from two regional workshops on approaches to preventing and responding to school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV). The challenges and recommendations highlighted in the publication are relevant to all forms of school violence and form a valuable resource for policy makers and practitioners working in this field. The briefs in this series include 1. Applying a whole school approach to preventing SRGBV; 2. Engaging teachers to create safe and gender-responsive learning environments; 3. Shifting harmful gender norms through curricular approaches; 4. Establishing safe and confidential reporting mechanisms; 5. Investing in data and evidence to inform the response to SRGBV; and 6. Integrating SRGBV in national policies and education sector plans.

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