The social and economic factors contributing to children of Guyana becoming orphaned or made vulnerable have been cause for major concern. Increasingly, children suffer in various ways; some from abuse, others are exposed to various forms of violence, neglected or abandoned, and also have to face the challenge of them or their parents dealing with life threatening diseases such as cancer and HIV. These situations are magnified even more, due to the high rate of poverty that exists in Guyana and the fact that children who try to find places or persons to assist in meeting their needs are often met with several barriers, chief of which is the inadequacies of the services to fully support or assist them. This rapid assessment was therefore carried out to ascertain what is happening to children who fall in the category of OVC, regardless of the cause of orphaning or vulnerability. The assessment, which was done in all 10 Administrative Regions of Guyana, saw children and their caregivers interviewed, group discussions conducted and Key Informants in Organizations interviewed.

Health and Education Resource Centre