This report is a follow up activity resultant from the release on World AIDS Day of 'Children on the Brink'. Children on the Brink served as a wake up call for the international development community on the issue of children orphaned by AIDS as it portrays the scale and urgency of this demographic event in unprecedented fashion, a clear picture of the massive impact the pandemic will have on children, families, societies and economies in Sub-Saharan Africa through the first third of the next century. Following this report, UNICEF Headquarters management team decided to evaluate and intensify its programming efforts in this area and thus engaged two consultants in 1998 to develop a strategy to accomplish this goal. This was to be done through documenting existing efforts to date, developing tools to intensify programmes, and initiating or expanding them to scale in 16 of the most heavily affected countries in the region. The consultants went to Malawi during Malawi's Best Practices Conference in February of 1998. This was also as Malawi is one of the several Sub-Saharan countries recognized as having developed laudable and replicable programmes for assisting families and children affected by AIDS.

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