The Kenya Girl Guides Association implements an integrated program on Life Skills and Peer Education in schools. Adult Guide Leaders conduct Life Skills sessions with Guides in Girl Guide Units in each participating school. Over the three terms or trimesters, 24 hours of sessions are held on 12 topics. The sessions help Girl Guides to learn about and explore the topics for themselves. Each Guide Unit has about 50 Girl Guides and four Patrol Leaders - an informed and sizeable group that can reach the rest of the school in a positive way. After participating in Life Skills sessions and successfully completing a five-day specialized training in peer education, Patrol Leaders are ready to conduct the peer education sessions in this curriculum. Patrol Leaders themselves selected the 12 topics for the sessions in this handbook. These topics are: values and school performance, selfesteem, common illnesses, understanding feelings of attraction, communication skills, helpful adults, decision-making skills, peer pressure, HIV transmission, reducing stigma and discrimination, preventing rape, and refusing drugs.

Health and Education Resource Centre