This Education Sector School Health, Nutrition and HIV and AIDS Strategic plan (2008-2012) has been drafted in line with the newly produced Education Sector Policy on School Health, Nutrition and HIV and AIDS. The overarching principle that has guided the drafting both of the policy and the strategic plan has been Guyana's commitment to the achievement of Education for All. In pursuit of this, the strategic plan has been developed in order to improve the education, health and nutrition of school children, teachers and members of the education sector in Guyana. This is because the Government of Guyana recognizes that good health and nutrition are not only essential inputs but also important outcomes of a basic education of good quality. The objectives of the Education Sector School, Health, Nutrition and HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2008-2012 have been determined as follows: 1. To strengthen institutional capacity to manage school health, nutrition and HIV at the central and decentralized levels of the education system; 2. To mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on the Education System; 3. To improve the quality of delivery of education on HIV, health and nutrition and expand access to services; 4. To improve school safety, hygiene and sanitation.

Health and Education Resource Centre