Universities and institutions of higher learning in general consist mainly of young people in the 17-24 year old category, most of whom are sexually active, and therefore most vulnerable to HIV infection. And though studies such as KAIS (2007) and KDHS (2003, 2008) have been conducted on the general Kenyan population, studies specific to institutions of higher learning are scanty, in particular, sero-prevalence data on this target group is lacking. This has prompted the East African Lake Basin Project/Programme (EALP)/Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA) to commission a study to understand the extent, nature and impact as well as response to HIV and AIDS within universities. The purpose of this assignment therefore was to generate an understanding of the way that HIV and AIDS is affecting universities and to identity responses and gaps in the management of the pandemic that could be used to strengthen and expand interventions at national and regional levels. 1.2 The objectives of the study were: 1) To work with the IUCEA/EALP task force to develop appropriate study methodology, including a sampling strategy and study scope; 2) To identify and analyze the HIV risks and the vulnerabilities related to internal and cross-border movement of university students, including an assessment of the HIV-related impacts of the interactions with the surrounding host communities; 3) To establish the nature, extent and impact of HIV and AIDS on the universities in particular, and the education sector in general; 4) To identify existing policies, coordination structures and standards for responding to HIV and AIDS in institutions of higher learning; and ascertain their relevance, effectiveness and impact; 5) assess the availability, utilization and efficacy of HIV and AIDS-related services forstudents and staff of universities in East Africa.

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