For a long time, HIV/AIDS was considered to be essentially a medical problem. However it has become clear that prevention is essential and that education might potentially be the single most powerful weapon against HIV transmission. This document is an invitation for educational planners to become more involved in prevention campaigns, in the support of curriculum renewal and in the search for appropriate delivery strategies, not leaving it to curriculum planners and inspectors alone. Another major concern of educational planners should be to protect the education system itself from the ravages of the pandemic. HIV/AIDS affects the education system just as it affects the body: for years the effects of the sickness remain unnoticed. And then suddenly the statistics come out on the proportion of skilled and higly educated manpower infected. This document presents the AIDS epidemic, the role of education in HIV prevention, the impact of HIV/AIDS on education and on educational demand and supply, and process, organizational, funding and planning aspects of eudcation.

Health and Education Resource Centre