It is established globally that girls encounter a myriad of problems at each age and every stage of their journey in education. Transiting from primary to secondary school, is usually hugely challenging for most adolescent girls, mainly because the transition brings about greater responsibilities such as care for relatives and siblings, expectations of income earning, sexual relationships without contraception, and child marriage. Girls who have previously dropped out of school have a higher risk factor in doing so permanently. However, those girls who drop out of school temporarily have a lesser risk of dropping out permanently. This indicates that a girls’ motivation and interest or commitment to school determines her likelihood to return rather than other factors. It is henceforth imperative that to achieve impeccable success in implementing a re-entry policy and guidelines, several measures have to be considered, such as the development and engagement of a system for immediate restoration of dropouts into the formal education system, the application of a school based system for transfer and monitoring of dropouts within the education system, and provision of extension services or facilities to support dropouts complete their education. The official recognition of compulsory restoration of adolescent mothers into the formal education system is imperative. The growing trend in most countries is to make it easier for pregnant schoolgirls to continue with their education. In this track of mind, there are several crucial elements to be considered for supplementing the guidelines for implementation of the re-entry policy and guidelines. This TEN/MET’s Policy Brief aims at supporting government actions towards addressing the dropout problem as a national challenge that requires concerted national efforts and commitment to eliminate by all state and non-state actors.

Health and Education Resource Centre