The Operational Guidelines are structured following a clear logic: The present section 1 explains the background for the Guidelines, to ensure that all users have the same understanding on the purpose of school feeding in Rwanda, and the intended way to achieve it. Section 2 explains what a healthy school meal is in general, and how it should be composed in Rwanda. Section 3 (Budgeting, planning, and procurement) and section 4 (food management) then go into details on how to ensure, that the required food is in the food store at the right time, in sufficient quantity and in good condition (budgeting and planning, flow of funds, food procurement, inspection of food at reception, requirements for storerooms, food management). Section 5 (Meal preparation) explains, how a healthy meal is prepared and served (preparation of the cooks, requirements for kitchens and safe water, taking food out of the store, preparing meals, preparation of pupils, serving meals, eating meals, and cleaning up). Section 6 explains, how the programme will ensure the transparent and accountable use of its resources, how it will measure and report on its results, and how it will share these results for discussion and learning among all parties with an interest in the programme. Finally, section 7 explains the entire governance structure of the programme, including multi-sectoral coordination, decision-making bodies at different levels, the implementing actors and their respective tasks.

Health and Education Resource Centre