In line with the National Policy on Food, Nutrition and School Health, WFP supports the Government of Chad to implement a comprehensive school feeding programme. The programme aims at removing barriers to education and well-being for boys and girls living in the most vulnerable families and communities. By providing a nutritious daily meal, the programme strengthens the retention of girls in school, especially adolescent girls, as well as prevents early marriage and delaying the age of the first pregnancy. WFP implements the Home-Grown School Feeding model in Chad which promotes local livelihoods and encourages the consumption of locally grown food, providing variety in children’s diets which are enriched with fresh products, and contributes to better food systems and local economic growth. WFP prioritizes local purchases for the Home-Grown School Feeding from organizations that include a high percentage of women producers, processors, and traders to increase economic opportunities for women along the school meals value chain. As part of the investments in school canteens, WFP carries out complementary activities, such as water and sanitation, and training for cooks and Parents of Students Associations on food storage, distribution. Additional complementarity to the programme is provided in partnership with the National Directorate for School Feeding to train teachers on the nutrition module. As part of its focus on innovative solutions, WFP Chad is implementing the Clean Cooking project with thermal heat retention bags in schools with canteens. WFP Chad is also launching a School-Connect pilot for digital monitoring solutions. By setting up mobile data connection devices in schools, WFP is creating a platform for monitoring in realtime to track the progress of the school feeding activity on a regular basis to better analyse and inform of the impact of events throughout the school year and to help improve the overall implementation of activities. Emergency School feeding also plays a vital role in the restoration of education systems in areas affected by conflict or by high food and nutrition insecurity. WFP plans to scale-up its emergency school feeding programme to encourage the return of internally displaced persons, refugees, and host communities to school and tackle high levels of food insecurity and malnutrition among these groups.

Health and Education Resource Centre