Putting the C in CSE: standards for content, delivery and environment of comprehensive sexuality education

Toolkits & Guides
Plan International
102 p.
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Intégrer le C dans l'ECS: normes de contenu, d'exécution et d'environnement pour l'éducation complète à la sexualité
Poner la I en EIS: estándares sobre el contenido, la presentación y el entorno de la educación integral en sexualidad

Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is exciting, fun, but also challenging. To support educators and implementers in formal and non-formal settings to deliver effective CSE, Plan International has developed a series of standards. These standards are based on a set of principles, including a comprehensive, human rights-based, gender transformative, inclusive and sex-positive approach towards the sexuality, sexual development and (sexual) relationships of children, adolescents, and young people. Professional, high quality CSE is an important contribution to help learners to become confident, and to enable them to discuss sexuality and relationships without fear, openly and honestly. Today we benefit from a continually improving and growing field of learning and guidance on CSE - we have found that it can be challenging to put all this into practice. This guidance compiles key evidence and top tips so that we can continue advancing our CSE journey.

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