This manual was developed for teacher trade unions, their constituencies and teachers. It provides resources (including fact sheets and accurate information and data on HIV/STI) and examples of interactive skill-building activities. The manual comprises 12 sections: Section 1: Acknowledgements, Section 2: Introduction and Purpose, Section 3: Education International's Resolution and Recommendations on Health Promotion and Education for HIV Prevention, Section 4: Participatory Learning Activities for HIV Prevention, Section 5: Common Questions and Controversies, Section 6: Fact Sheet about HIV/AIDS, Section 7: UNAIDS data, Section 8: National and Local HIV/AIDS Information, Section 9: National and Local Policies and Practices, Section 10: The Important Role of Trade Union Leaders, Their Constituencies, Teachers and Students in HIV/AIDS/STI Prevention, Section 11: Overview of Skills-Based Health Education and Life Skills and Section 12: Appendices. This manual would assist with strengthening school health programmes, involving teachers, teacher trade union leaders and their constituencies in health promotion, strengthening advocacy skills and using participatory methods to teach young people on the topic of HIV/AIDS/STI.
Education International
1 v. (various pagings), tabs.
Title other languages
Manuel de formation et de documentation de référence sur l'éducation à la santé et la prévention du VIH/SIDA et des IST à l'école
Manual de Capacitación y Recursos sobre la Educación para la Salud y la Prevención del VIH/SIDA en la Escuela
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