Few UNAIDS co-sponsors are assisting countries in developing education sector strategic plans. Therefore, in the framework of EDUCAIDS, UNESCO BREDA (Regional Office for Education in Africa) is concentrating its efforts to assist countries to develop, or where relevant update and improve, specific HIV and AIDS education plans. The countries with Portuguese as official language were targeted in this desktop study. These countries include Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and São Tome and Principe. These countries have received little attention in the past for the development of their HIV and AIDS education plans. In addition to the five PALOP countries, Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal's situations were selected to be assessed in this study. The assessment is presented for each country under the following headings; Overview of the national HIV and AIDS education and related plans; Analysis of the plans on the basis of EDUCAIDS; UNESS documents; UNESCO HIV and AIDS response in the country; and summary of the main findings.

Health and Education Resource Centre