A Sourcebook of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs Volume 2: Education Sector-Wide Approaches is part of a global effort to accelerate the sector's response to HIV/AIDS, particularly in Africa, and reflects the increasing recognition of the role that education has to play in the national response to HIV. A good education is now recognized as making a crucial contribution to reducing stigma and discrimination and to helping young people avoid infection. School-age children have the lowest prevalence of infection, and even in the worst-affected countries, the vast majority of schoolchildren remain uninfected. For these children there is a window of hope, a chance of a life free from HIV if they can acquire the knowledge, skills, and values to help protect themselves as they grow up. Providing young people with the social vaccine of education offers them a real chance of a productive life. Sector-wide school-based programs have the potential to interact with large numbers of children and youth and offer a ready-made infrastructure for offering cost-effective HIV/AIDS education at population scale. The first volume of this Sourcebook was published in 2004 in response to requests from educators in affected countries and which documented education-based HIV prevention programs from seven Sub-Saharan African countries. At that time few governments were taking the lead in the delivery of education sector programs and most of the education activities described in the book were limited to relatively small projects in nonformal settings, or the production and dissemination of Information Education and Communication materials. Few were led by Ministries of Education and none was part of the formal curriculum. This new volume was produced in response to requests from educators for programmatic examples of education sector-wide approaches. With lessons that are replicable and scalable, this new analysis of 10 HIV/AIDS prevention programs from 6 Sub-Saharan African countries as well as the Dominican Republic and Israel fills an important gap in programming expertise in the education sector.

Health and Education Resource Centre