This document provides answers to some of the most common questions that educators, parents/caregivers, school administrators, and health professionals may have about gender identity in the Canadian school context. The answers provided in this resource are based on up-to-date evidence and research. These Questions and Answers on gender identity are designed to support the implementation of the Canadian Guidelines for Sexual Health Education (Guidelines). The Guidelines are premised on the belief that comprehensive sexual health education should reflect the diverse needs and realities of all people, and should be provided in age-appropriate, culturally-sensitive, and respectful manner, inclusive of gender diversity. This Questions and Answers resource is targeted at helping educators (in and out of school settings), curriculum and program planners, school administrators, policy-makers and health professionals implement the Guidelines to ensure that: 1. Sexual health educational programming is inclusive of the pressing health, safety, and educational needs and challenges of gender variant youth; 2. The experiences of gender variant youth are included in all facets of broadly-based and inclusive sexual health education; and 3. Educators, administrators, and school board personnel are provided with a more thorough understanding of the goals and objectives of broadly-based and inclusive sexual health education.

Health and Education Resource Centre