Breaking barriers project: Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. End-term evaluation report

Programme Reports & Evaluations
73 p.

Breaking Barriers Project (BB) is a US$ 11,500,000 program implemented over five years in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. The Strategic Objective of the Breaking Barriers project is: To expand sustainable, effective, quality OVC programs in education, psychosocial support and community-based care for children and families affected by HIV and AIDS, using an extensive network of schools (both formal and informal) and religious institutions as a coordinated platform for rapid scale up and scale out. The main strategies employed to deliver this strategic objective includes (1) Direct service delivery of essential services to OVC, (2) Capacity building for families, children and communities to care for OVC, (3) Advocacy for protection of the OVC; and (4) Economic empowerment of the community to support the OVC in their midst.

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