Diversity in School offers training on gender, sexuality, and ethnic (race) relations for teaching professionals. The resource, originally delivered in Brazil, was the result of a partnership between the Brazilian Government’s Special Secretariat for Policies on Women, the Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Policies on Racial Equality (SEPPIR/PR), the Brazilian Ministry of Education, the British Council and the Latin American Centre on Sexuality and Human Rights. Diversity in School was successfully piloted in six cities in Brazil in 2006, involving 1,200 teachers. Since 2008, its contents have revised and expanded so as to make the programme available in a distance learning format throughout the country and more widely. Reducing discrimination by improving understanding of gender, sexual, ethnic and racial diversity is of central importance to the creation of a positive school learning environment. Because of successful experience in Brazil, we feel that this translated resource has potential value to teachers and teacher trainers/educators in many parts of the English-speaking world. The course contents are offered here as an open-access online resource designed for educators, teacher trainers and all those interested in addressing issues of Diversity in School.

Health and Education Resource Centre