This publication summarizes the findings from the Reinvigorating Education Sector Responses to HIV and AIDS process in the SADC region, commissioned by UNESCO, UNICEF and the SADC Secretariat during the course of 2010. The resultant process included: A review of the status of EDSEC HIV and AIDS policy and strategies in 11 countries in the SADC region; A review of the status of EDSEC HIV and AIDS policy and strategy implementation; A review of the SACMEQ III assessment of HIV and AIDS learning achievements; An assessment of the M&E of the HIV and AIDS EDSEC response, and development of proposed core regional and global indicators. The publication gives advice on mainstreaming HIV in the education sector policies, programmes and functions, as well as on better delivery of life skills-based sexuality education and the importance of monitoring and evaluating education sector response to HIV and AIDS. It is one of the few analyses of the policy landscape around HIV and AIDS in the SADC region. The review of HIV and AIDS responses summarized in this report reveals that while the SADC region has made substantial progress in addressing HIV and AIDS in policies, plans and programmes, a number of challenges still remain in the education sector; these include the failure to implement policies and strategies, inadequate mainstreaming and teacher preparation, limited delivery of life skills-based HIV and AIDS and sexuality education, and the absence of M&E systems. Nationally, the EDSEC response has been largely absent from consolidated HIV and AIDS strategic planning, despite acknowledgement that EDSEC has a critical role to play in the national response.

Health and Education Resource Centre