The aim of the workshop was to provide a follow-up forum for the BIG7 Alliance from the Nairobi cluster countries after the Pan-African Youth Forum in Dakar, Senegal, and to give them the opportunity to not only finalize their national action plans for HIV/AIDS prevention but also to identify regional needs and priorities that could be considered for prevention and mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS among young people in the region. The consultation brought together over 40 young participants from Burundi, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. UNESCO Nairobi Office sponsored the participation of at least 5 youth participants from each country, while the countries' National AIDS Control Councils/Commissions and respective BIG7 member associations sponsored the participation of 2 coordinators from the Alliances. The overall objective of the consultation was to contribute to the reduction of the transmission rate of HIV among youth in the countries of the UNESCO Nairobi office cluster. In more specific terms, the meeting envisaged to: I). Provide a forum for the Youth Alliances to finalize country action plans that were initiated during the Pan African Youth Forum in Dakar. (i) Establish a coordination mechanism for the fight against HIV/AIDS for the benefit of the youth of the BIG7 Associations, (ii) Identify priority needs of the youth from each member country of the UNESCO Nairobi Cluster, (iii) Provide the youth with a forum within which to exchange experiences on best practices in the fight against HIV/AIDS among the young people (especially in peer education) and also to learn from one another.

Health and Education Resource Centre