The Technical Consultation meeting brought together experts from national ministries, national and international civil society organizations, inter-governmental organizations and UN agencies to review the progress made in providing adolescents and youth in the region with access to healthy lifestyle education, including comprehensive education on life-skills and sexual and reproductive health, and identify gaps and opportunities to better assist countries in delivering healthy-lifestyle education at a national scale and ensuring its quality and effectiveness. More specifically, the meeting aimed to: take stock of the situation related to healthy-lifestyle education in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, highlighting achievements and identifying emerging issues (i.e. school-based gender-based violence/homophobic bullying, etc.); share experiences in establishing and scaling-up national healthy-lifestyle education programmes which holistically address the sexual and reproductive health of young people; identify gaps and suggest concrete steps for expanding and strengthening existing healthy lifestyle education programmes in coherence with the international standards existing in this area ; consider new approaches and tools for education sector capacity building, monitoring and evaluation of delivered programmes, reaching out young people of the key population groups and using the Internet and social media networks for raising adolescents’ and young people’s awareness about sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Health and Education Resource Centre