Choices is written for young people between the ages of 10 and 24 years; for peer educators and youth leaders; for teachers, health care workers and parents and anyone who is helping young people to grow up as fulfilled and responsible human beings with a sexual and social life. It can be read by young people themselves (where they can try out the activities with their friends and family) or with the supervision of peer educators, teachers and youth leaders to organise learning sessions. The book aims at providing accurate information on sexual and reproductive health; suggest activities aimed at exploring values and attitudes in relation to culture and the changing world; and building self-esteem; suggest activities aimed at practising skills in communication, assertiveness, risk avoidance, problem-solving, decision-making and advocacy. The activities, pictures, cartoons and quizzes are said to be adaptable to different groups and it contains a guide (at the back) which explains how to do the different activities.

Health and Education Resource Centre