Working to end school related gender based violence: writings by representatives of education unions from Eastern, West and Southern Africa

Case Studies & Research
129 p.
Title other languages
Oeuvrer pour mettre un terme à la violence liée au genre en milieu scolaire: écrits de représentantes et représentants de syndicats de l'enseignement en Afrique de l'Est, Afrique de l'Ouest et Afrique australe
Trabajando para acabar con la violencia de género en el ámbito escolar: ensayos por representantes de sindicatos de la educación de África Oriental, Occidental y Austral
Trabalhando para acabar com a violência de género no âmbito escolar: escritos dos representantes de sindicatos da educação da África Oriental, Ocidental e Austral

The Education International (EI) initiative 'Education Unions Take Action to End School Related Gender Based Violence', is part of more than 30 years of international advocacy to advance gender equality in education and in unions. In 2016, 7 teacher unions i.e. SADTU and NAPTOSA from South Africa, BETUZ and ZNUT from Zambia, UNATU from Uganda, ETA from Ethiopia and KNUT from Kenya and in 2018, SLTU from Sierra Leone, GTU from the Gambia and the staff from the Ghana-based Education International Regional Africa Office - actively engaged in a Gender at Work (G@W) - Gender Action Learning Process (GAL). The main aim of this specific GAL process was to create a participatory EI pilot program in Southern, East and West Africa focusing on individual teachers’ and teacher unions’ capacity to address SRGBV. With the support of Gender at Work facilitators, participants strengthened their understanding of gender inequality and gender based violence in the context of the school. Throughout the GAL Process participants spoke from their hearts, sharing inspirational stories of change. The Hearing our Stories Workshops (HOS) at the start of the GAL process created a space for a representative group of union members in each of the participating unions to share their experiences of gender-based violence in their schools and unions.

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