Recognising the vital role of the education sector in national responses to HIV and AIDS, the UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations (CCO) launched EDUCAIDS, the Global Initiative on Education and HIV and AIDS, in March 2004. A UNAIDS initiative led by UNESCO with the collaboration of key stakeholders, EDUCAIDS seeks to promote, develop and support comprehensive education sector responses to HIV and AIDS. EDUCAIDS provides a framework for action for the education sector to: understand the need for strong engagement in HIV and AIDS in order to achieve EFA and education related MDGs, as well as to provide a unique and critical contribution to national responses to HIV and AIDS, in the context of universal access to prevention programmes, treatment, care and support, and efforts to improve coordination and cooperation. As countries put in place and implement comprehensive, scaled-up responses towards universal access to prevention programmes, treatment, care and support, EDUCAIDS aims to mobilise the education sector, using all components and elements of an education system, and all educational modalities - formal, non-formal and informal. EDUCAIDS efforts at the country level therefore focus on: promoting comprehensive education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; planning and prioritising actions; and building partnerships and promoting coordination. Agencies and persons involved in EDUCAIDS include UNESCO staff in the education sector and all other sectors, ministries of education, UNAIDS Cosponsors, civil society organizations including groups working on EFA and groups of people living with HIV.

Health and Education Resource Centre