Sustainable access to basic sanitation in school is well featured in the Education for All (EFA) goals and Millennium Development Goal (MDG). The United Nations General Assembly of 2010 declared access to sanitation as a human right (United Nations, 2010) in association with the MDG #7, with a particular target to “halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation” by 2015 (United Nations, 2006, p.18). In education context, this target could be translated as the improvement of the availability of the sustainable basic sanitation at school premises to be accessed by students and staff. Meanwhile, the UNESCO definition of the ‘gender equality’ within the EFA goals refers to the notion of boys and girls having the same advantages and disadvantages to not only going to school but also having the equal opportunities for access to better health and better quality of school life (UNESCO, 2000; 2003). Therefore, following this UNESCO definition, it would be worthwhile to examine and compare whether boys and girls are experiencing the same advantages for the access to basic sanitation facilities at school and compare the differences in the school outcomes of boys and girls who are in these different sanitation conditions.

Health and Education Resource Centre