The UNESCO Nairobi Office organised the second in a series of consultations on HIV/AIDS and education at the Nile Conference Centre in Kampala, Uganda, from 16th to 18th June 2003. This was convened upon recommendation of the first consultation on HIV/AIDS and education organised by UNESCO Nairobi that took place in Kigali, Rwanda, in March 2003. A key recommendation of the Kigali consultation was to bring together the heads of the education and teachers' service commissions from the cluster countries, namely, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, to review how the HIV/AIDS pandemic is affecting the quality of the teaching service. The Kampala consultation, therefore, convened heads of Education and Teachers' Service Commissions, those responsible for human resources in education, finance departments, leaders of teachers' unions and UNESCO representatives from the cluster. Also participating in the consultation were members of the Mobile Task Team on HIV and Education - the MTT.The purpose of the consultation was to enhance the understanding on how HIV/AIDS is influencing the education service and the provision of quality education and how those responsible for teacher management can sustain the quality of education provision in the face of HIV/AIDS. The consultation had three main objectives. The first was to increase awareness among educator management authorities about the principal challenges imposed by HIV/AIDS to the quality of the teaching service. The second was to enhance commitment among senior management of teaching services and ministries of education to respond appropriately to the impact of HIV/AIDS on the teaching service, on quality of education and on individual educators as employees. The third objective was to identify priority actions within the management of education service commissions and within education human resource management generally and to come up with action plans.

Health and Education Resource Centre