In May 2006, Education International (EI) published ' Training for Life' a draft report aimed at establishing a clear picture on the record of governments in providing pre- and in-service training to teachers on HIV and AIDS. The report was written on the basis of information submitted by EI affiliated teacher unions in 8 countries. This latest edition of Training for Life updates the situation regarding teacher training on HIV and AIDS in these countries (where new data was available), whilst also taking some newcomers, namely Sierra Leone and Guyana. What unites these countries is that they are all (or are in the process of becoming) participants in the EI EFAIDS Programme on achieving Education for All and preventing HIV infection.In order to obtain a more detailed and local perspective on the situation regarding teacher training on HIV and AIDS, EI sent out a questionnaire to all unions involved in the HIV and AIDS programme in 2005. The questionnaire was sent out once again in early 2007 to update this study. It was specifically tailored to gather information on the place given to training on HIV and AIDS within official pre- and in-service training programmes. Though the survey was limited in scope, the replies that came back confirmed the fears expressed by EI and its affiliated unions: namely, that little or no time or resources are being devoted to HIV & AIDS in pre- and in-service training.

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